A POLICE spokesman said they (the police) "would prosecute begging when they saw it" in our Faithful City (Worcester News, Tuesday, July 12, Page 2).

Every time I go into Worcester and walk over the bridge into town, there is always a street beggar lurking at the end of the bridge walkway greeting us with an "any spare change?" plea.

Another offers the same question 100 yards on, and walking past the Guildhall, another meets my eye with out-stretched hand.

So if I can see it at any time I care to visit the city, how come the police find it so difficult not to?

Being born in Worcester 40-odd years ago, I still feel a great amount of pride for Worcester and always protect it fiercely when it is criticised, but my faith is slowly waning. What must visitors think?

No wonder Worcester gets a bad Press with these street urchins bothering every passer-by. They are ruining a beautiful and historic city.

These people should gain employment, pull their socks up, stop feeling sorry for themselves and start to live respectable lives and not let the rest of us hard- working people be intimidated and duped into their idle world. You don't see the old or infirm begging... they have pride!

There are plenty of jobs out there for plenty of people, and it would be more beneficial for everyone to see them gainfully employed... or is it? If there are enough politically correct people around Worcester to chuck money at these scroungers, day in and day out, their world becomes more idler and more corrupt every waking moment.

The police shouldn't be after them, the employment office should! Talk about an easy ride, we could all sit on street corners pleading for money... why are they so different?

We all have problems, but some of us tighten our belts, get a grip on reality and soldier on! The way things are going, the 'weak' shall inherit the Earth.

