YOU are never too old to enjoy a Winnie the Pooh adventure.

Whether it's sitting down with children or grandchildren, or switching off after a hard day at the office, you can guarantee a chuckle or two - if only at the absurdity of it all.

In Pooh's Heffalump Movie the woodland friends go in search of a scary elephant, or heffalump, who lives in another part of the wood.

Pooh, Tigger and Piglet set off with Rabbit in charge. Eeyore brings up the rear as pack donkey carrying what appears to be the entire contents of his friends' houses on his back, along with the weight of the world as usual.

Roo meanwhile goes off alone and he meets and befriends the young heffalump, Lumpy.

The pair play in the wood and eventually persuade Pooh and pals that heffalumps are not scary after all and they all become friends.

All except Eeyore, that is, who is still making his way back from the wood with his load.

It is a short and sweet film (running time 65 minutes) with the moral lesson that things are not always what they appear and no-one should be judged by appearances.

Ideal family viewing and something younger viewers would probably watch over and over again.

Just watch out if they try to bounce like a heffalump.