CHERRY Orchard First School in Pershore was the scene of an investigation last week as the school put on its annual play, Humpty Dumpty, Did He Fall Or Was He Pushed?

The play involved every child in the school but was led by Year 4 pupils who are leaving today.

There were three performances to packed audiences of family and friends last Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

The play was overseen by Year 4 teacher Rachel Clargo and music teacher Kim Turnbull, with the Humpty Dumpty costume made by Heidi Knight, who's son Oliver played the leading role.

Headteacher John Nelson said: "It was a really super show, made even better by the fact that the children played to a sell-out crowd each night. I would like to thank everyone who took the time to come and watch the play and wish our leavers all the best for the future."