MORE than 500 letters of objection and huge public interest from Bidford residents against a planning application has led Warwickshire county councillors to delay their meeting.

Members of the Regulatory committee were due to consider the planning application submitted by Cemex - formerly known as RMC Materials.

The application made by the company was to extend its sand and gravel workings at Marsh Farm Quarry in Salford Priors.

The extraction of sand and gravel is from part of Broom Court to the south of Bidford Road - the B439- in Bidford.

The new quarry would cover a site bordering both villages, Marlcliff and Bidford, and neighbouring Salford Priors stretching from the Crawford Memorial Hall to the A46/439 roundabout.

The proposal is to extract sand and gravel and transport it to the processing plant by conveyor belt.

The application was to be considered on Thursday, July 7 but the chairman of the regulatory committee decided to hold a separate meeting because of the public interest by Bidford residents.

Chairman of the regulatory committee, county councillor for Bedworth, Richard Chattaway, suggested at the last meeting on July 7, that because of the public interest in this application a separate meeting should be set.

Although there is no date set for the meeting as yet, the next regulatory committee will be meeting on Tuesday, September 27.