EXCELLENT school trips and strong community links were both features of a Worcester school's impressive Ofsted report.

St George's CE Primary School in St George's Lane North, Barbourne, was judged to be a 'good' school by a team of inspectors, who noted a 'positive learning environment' and sound progress since the last inspectors' visit.

The inspection was carried out in April and the recent report said: "St George's provides a good education for its pupils and gives good value for money. Pupils achieve well."

Singled out for praise were standards in science, maths and ICT, 'very good' encouragement from teachers, pupil behaviour, the curriculum and relations with parents.

The report also complimented leadership at the primary school, in St George's Lane North.

"The headteacher (Steve Mills) provides a clear direction for the work of the school," it continued.

"Most subject co-ordinators carry out tasks diligently and provide good leadership. Governors are supportive of the school and governance is good."

The inspectors did note standards of writing throughout the school were not high enough, adding that some pupils with English as a second language could perform better.

Overall, however, Tricia Rawlings, chairman of governors at the school, said: "I am very pleased that the inspection findings confirm that St George's is a 'good school' and that it has improved since the last inspection in 1998.

"I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the commitment and professionalism of all the staff at St George's, to which we owe the good Ofsted report.

"Even more importantly, this is clearly reflected in the enthusiasm which pupils themselves show for their school."