YET another family has been torn apart by terror after the bomb attacks on the Egyptian resort on Sharm-El-Sheikh at the weekend.

Malvern teenager Hannah Lloyd was enjoying an exotic holiday on the Red Sea when the bombers struck.

Now she is back in Britain fighting for her life after receiving 70 per cent burns to her body.

It's a terrible thing to happen to anyone, but for the beautiful, popular and happy young girl described in today's front page story, it is especially poignant.

Hannah's tragic story will

bring home the horror of the recent bombings to anyone who thought terrorism was of no concern to them because they didn't live in London.

Hannah's injuries proves evil can strike anywhere in the world.

But that doesn't mean we should all start cancelling the holidays we've worked and saved so hard for all year.

Just as those London commuters got back on the buses and Tubes targeted by the suicide bombers two weeks ago, we should head off for our summer breaks this year as normal.

After all, the terrorists can't blow us all up.

And to stay at home would show the bombers that their vicious campaign of death and destruction was working.

But there are two extra things we can do this year as we board our trains and boats and planes.

Stay vigilant for anything that could indicate another atrocity is about to be carried out.

And pray for Hannah Lloyd and her family.