The views expressed by Mr D G Hoist in the July 20 issue on the subject of Droitwich Spa car parks are fully endorsed, but the chances of such a charge of heart taking place are zero.

Having moved to the Spa in 1990, and reaching pensionable age in 1998, I was very pleased to receive free parking tickets as one of the very few OAP concessions from Wychavon District Council.

My enjoyment was short lived, however, when even this modest benefit was withdrawn - an action which has caused widespread resentment amongst senior citizens.

It is one thing to hope for the same privileges accorded to other pensioners elsewhere in the UK, and to be disappointed when this does not happen, but to then see such small benefit taken away is disgraceful.

Since that occurrence, I have never once used a Droitwich car park, nor do I follow Mr Hoist's advice in his closing words, and shop elsewhere.

GA Phipps

Droitwich Spa