WITH the proposed EU Directive ban on the sale of vitamins and minerals, due to come into effect on Monday, August 1, I thought your readers might like to look behind the 'Vitamins banned' headlines and have their fears allayed. Well, temporarily, at least.

While it is true the judgment of the European Court of Justice agreed that the directive should be enforced - going contrary to the opinion of its Advocate General, who thought it "invalid" - there appear to be some significant changes.

First, it seems the onus of responsibility of safety has changed, from a manufacturer endeavouring to prove a product is safe, to the regulator proving a product is unsafe.

Second, no product will disappear from the shelves on August 1st as derogation (stay of execution) has seemingly been granted across the board. This is a complete U-turn by the Food Standards Agency.

This directive has run into trouble because the British public (and Press) saw it was bonkers and made their views known to the Government in the strongest terms. I sense horse trading behind the scenes.

My advice to consumers is to keep up the pressure, continue to write to your MP and MEP. A good example is our own MP, Mike Foster, who voted in favour of the directive. He has been challenged on a number of occasions by Philip Bushill-Mathews, MEP, and myself to have a public debate on this issue. He has remained silent. I wonder why? I for one would like to know just why Mike Foster believes this to be good legislation? I'm ready to listen, Mr Foster.

