A SCHEME to vary the conditions under which people can stay in fishing lodges in Malvern has been put before planners.

Leigh Sinton Farm and Nurseries has applied to the district council to vary the condition of planning permission granted for 24 fishing lodges and the construction of two fishing lakes in 2002 at Upper Interfields, between Leigh Sinton and Malvern. The scheme was approved on the basis no one occupied the lodges for more than 56 nights a year.

Following talks with planning officers, the applicants now want to vary the conditions so people can stay for up to 56 days - after which they would have to go away for a fortnight before they can return.

The applicants are keen to vary the conditions to ensure that the business remains commercially viable.

Leigh Sinton Parish Council is opposing the scheme as it says the application extends the use of the site beyond that of tourism to semi-residency.

Three neighbours have also contacted the council, raising similar criticisms.

But planners say the proposals would ensure the council could enforce the lodges remained as holiday accommodation only and are recommending approval, subject to conditions.

The scheme is set to be determined at a planning meeting at Priory Lodge Hall in Avenue Road, Malvern at 7pm on Wednesday.