Beneath The Pyramid by Christian Jacq (Simon & Schuster, £10.99)

THIS is the first in a new trilogy of historical adventures by Jacq - and I'm now eagerly looking forward to reading the second.

The author first visited Egypt when he was 17 and went on to study Egyptology and archaeology at the Sorbonne, becoming one of the world's leading Egyptologists.

He is the author of several other novels about ancient Egypt but Beneath The Pyramid is perhaps one of his finest.

It's an intriguing story of suspense and mystery, which takes place during the reign of Ramses the Great.

Pazair, an incorruptible young judge finds he is embroiled in a plot to overthrow Ramses. He is determined to make a stand; good against evil.

He is the judge who wants to discover the truth, but in the end it appears that his fight for justice and virtue leads him to become a victim himself and his path against greed and corruption takes him inevitably to his death. Or, is the soul of his murdered master still watching over his disciple?

We can only hope so, for this is the first of what looks like being an exciting trilogy.

Beverly Abbs