RESIDENTS in the Bromsgrove district have been given a well-deserved pat on the back for making the kerbside refuse and recycling scheme such a success.

Bromsgrove District Council has said a big 'thank you' to everyone for helping the authority achieve good results, especially when it comes to putting waste to further use.

Anna Wardell, the authority's environmental strategy officer, said: "Local people are recycling 46 per cent of their household waste, which is well above the Government's statutory target of 18 per cent for the year, and shows a 31 per cent rise on our total from last year.

"We want to thank everyone who has helped us reach this target, but would like to make it even better by ensuring every bit of recyclable rubbish is given a new lease of life.

"Most people know by now they can recycle their newspapers and bottles, but sometimes forget the other things like wrapping paper and cards, jam jars and other glass containers, aerosols and food cans.

"We want everyone to think more carefully before turfing out their trash because we know there are still lots of things thrown away in our wheelie bins that could be salvaged."

Anna also reminded residents to put their bins in the correct position at the kerbside for collection and stack recycling boxes on top of each other and not leave them overflowing.

Extra boxes are available for anyone who needs more than one set. They are obtainable from the council by ringing the customer care centre on 01527 881288.

Anna added that green bins must only be used for green garden waste otherwise the entire load will be contaminated when it is taken for composting.

This valuable soil enhancer can be bought cheaply from household waste sites or direct from the Throckmorton recycling plant.

And the charity Network is happy to take bulky reusable items such as tables to pass on to worthy causes. It can be contacted on 01562 513399.