PLANS to build a bridge linking the Conway Fields to the River Arrow nature reserve in Alcester have ruffled feathers with the town's wildlife conservationists.

The proposed bridge would offer an easier access route between the new community sports centre at Alcester Grammar School and the Greig Centre facilities - but there are fears it will be abused.

Motorcyclists are already causing concern on the Conway Fields and, if they had access to the reserve, it is feared they could damage bird and animal habitats and destroy delicate plant life.

Reserve volunteer Mary Madge told Alcester Town Council recently the plan should be opposed to protect the site, which is popular with people of all ages.

"We are worried that if we allow this to happen we won't be able to keep people out."

And chairman Cliff Meade said: "It is a point of conflict. If we destroy one lovely facility to create another, there's only one word for it, and that's 'daft'.

"The nature reserve is only a few yards from the centre of town, but you might as well be in another world. That's why they have given us a Green Flag award for three years running."

The bridge will be built by Warwickshire County Council and has the backing of Advantage Alcester as part of its cycle routes project.

John Mattocks, from Advantage Alcester, said: "The idea was to provide a safer route between the Greig Centre and the grammar school sports hall so people do not have to cycle down School Road, which is not the safest place.

"When we first looked at it, we thought we could go round the nature reserve, but then they extended it to include an extra field, so we have been working from maps which are out of date."

The proposal will be discussed at the town council's planning meet- ing on Monday.

The meeting will be at Globe House at 7pm.