THE nail-biting can now cease, those exam nerves that were once so frayed may be allowed to mend... and perhaps we might also allow ourselves a modest celebration, too.

For today's the day when thousands of youngsters up and down the land receive their A-level results in what is expected to be the best set ever.

You may recall that this time last year, A-levels were coming under considerable attack from all quarters.

There seems to be little change here. And much of the criticism has come from headteachers of private schools, some of whom want to drop them altogether.

They're being dumbed down, some said... it's pandering to the lowest denominator said others.

This newspaper begs to differ. And it would appear that we're in good company.

For we agree with the views expressed by Alice Ottley head Morag Chapman and her opposite number at Malvern Girls' College, Phillipa Legatte.

Both have issued a robust defence of the traditional exam format, refuting the notion that there has been dumbing down.

Make no mistake, schools such as these survive purely because of their track record of consistently high standards.

And if A-levels are good enough for the AO, then they're good enough for us, too.

So. Girls and boys, do as much jumping up and down and squealing with delight as you like today. You've earned it.