L SPITERI "No Future Without EU" (Letters, Monday, August 15) is using the usual wording that pro-EU campaigners use when they have no valid facts to present, or argument to make.

"With the EU, but not of it" is what Churchill so rightly advised after the Second World War, and we should have taken heed. L Spiteri should be working towards a Europe of Democracies with voluntary inter-governmental co-operation, instead of his idyllic 'one size fits all' Socialist Dictatorship run by faceless senior officials who even MEPs cannot scrutinise.

These senior officials beaver away behind the Hollywood set facade of the EU, controlling the President and Commission right down through to the MEPs and beyond.

The real power of the EU is in 3,000 secret faceless committees who do not allow scrutiny and are answerable to nobody. They are the directors and producers of this out-of-control monster epic, which none of Europe's people want.

Is this what L Spiteri wants us to support?


Louth, Lincolnshire.