JUDGING by his letter in the Worcester News (Monday, August 15) headlined "No future without EU" L Spiteri (Mr/Mrs?) is either joking, or is a pretty spineless person.

I do not believe that anyone could really be naive enough to believe that Great Britain could not stand alone and prosper.

We are the fourth biggest world economy in spite of Europe, not because of it!

We are still strong, even though Europe has trashed our fishing areas, our farming and is still charging us £33m a day for them to do it!

Even though Brussels has tied us up hand and foot with diktats, directives, and bureaucratic red tape, and attempted to bring some of our industries to the edge of bankruptcy, Great Britain has shown what she is made of - steel, British Steel.

If we are prospering now, what will we be like when we have thrown off the chains of the dictatorial and totally corrupt European Union?

For every £1 we receive from the EU it costs us £2.60. That is not good business, L Spiteri. That is the road to financial ruin.

If L Spiteri does not believe that we Brits can spend our own money wiser than a bunch of foreign crooks, why does he not go and live in Germany or France, and see for himself how they are coping? They are not being fleeced half as much.

