ISN'T it reassuring to see that Councillor Andrew Christian-Brookes was amused and had a good laugh at one of your readers recent letters.

How sad that someone in his elected position should stoop to such vitriolic and venomous attacks, not on just the writer but also on the people of Droitwich, some of whom may have sadly elected him!

Obviously Cllr Brookes is totally out of touch with the ethos of the Droitwich electorate with what appears to be his self-opinionated ranting regarding what is best for our town.

I suggest that he spend some time in Droitwich and ask the people what they want, although what we want and what we get are two different things!

Simply because we have differing ideas on how we would like to see our town does not make us 'Out of touch, backward, socialist/liberal troglodytes!'

And these ideas and opinions, Mr Brookes, is not as you believe those of a few, but those of a large majority of Droitwich people and your remarks are an affront to the people of this town!

It is such dictatorial attitudes like yours that has turned our once attractive town into a residential commuter desert with next to no amenities and facilities!

May I suggest to Cllr Brookes that next time Wychavon 'Destructive' Council plans to build a sprawling commuter estate, an eyesore and badly located supermarket, a poor excuse for a lido, an abomination of a building such as planned for the Saab garage site, worse than that which replaced the Worcestershire Hotel or retirement homes, then they do so in his ward!

All in the name of progress, of course, and to enrich the quality and standard of life for those who elected him, unless of course he belongs to the 'not in my back yard brigade'.

I would also like to point out to Cllr Brookes that I am not a member of any political group or campaign.

I am merely an individual who thinks that Droitwich could once again be an attractive and prosperous town given the right planning, foresight and commitment without being brow-beaten into believing that those who suppose to represent us, some of whom I suspect have disingenuous plans, know better and have carte blanche over any decisions which affect us all!

Trev Kings

Droitwich Spa