OUR current town mayor, Councillor Richard Morris, is as much a credit to our Spa as his predecessor, Councillor Anne Taft.

Both councillors display a keen and active interest in providing positive activities for our young people.

Their public defence of our little town from the ravages of over development is to be applauded, putting loyalty to Droitwich above party politics.

Such 'good old fashioned' values are the bedrock of popular and effective leadership in local government.

So why is our current deputy and next mayor apparent so far removed from the role she seeks to fill.

The lady remained silent over demolishing an adventure playground and now applauds closure of our lido. She supported the Saltway superstore, but is strangely quiet about a proposed massive development at Chapel Bridge.

Our little town needs a champion, not an appeaser to district's party dictates. There is a hallow ring to the title of mayor without respect of it's townspeople.

The Droitwich electorate should choose their town mayor, not an inner circle directed by party grandees in Evesham and Pershore.

Spa voters, insulted by the intransigence of district and its sycophants, should actively campaign to make the role of town mayor an elected post.

I sincerely hope all those denigrated for defending our Market Hall, Worcestershire Hotel, Highfield Hospital, Lido Pool and Park, will join together to throw off the strings of Wychavon's puppet masters.

Anthony Castleford

Droitwich Spa