A COUPLE of things of concern:-

What is happening in Bromsgrove? There has been far too many reports of assaults within the town. I have never known things so bad in the town. We have this CCTV in the town yet the assaults continue. What are the police doing? Bromsgrove used to be such a safe place, but no more.

A thank you to our MP Julie Kirkbride and the Conservative office for getting things sorted when people in a position -who are paid to be responsible for dealing with matters reported - fail.

I had to get our MP involved when the police failed to respond to a report of harassment. Since her involvement the harassment has stopped.

I reported fly-tipping to the council but after two weeks the rubbish still remained with the blame being passed between housing, district and county council.

One call to the Conservative office and the rubbish was gone within hours.

So why, when 'Joe Public' reports things, does nothing happen, until Julie and her office gets involved?

What are we paying the council for?

