PEOPLE living near the proposed site for a new block of flats and terraced houses have vowed to continue battling the plans.

Dozens of letters objecting to the proposals - to demolish two Victorian houses at 51 and 53 Battenhall Road and build new apartments and homes - have been sent to both planning and highways officers.

Worcester City Council refused planning permission and an appeal has now been lodged.

A government inspector has been appointed to examine the application but a final decision is not expected for months.

Alan Flockhart, who lives adjacent to the site, said: "The council rejected the plans for some strong reasons and we believe they were right.

"This move concerns a lot of people and it should never go ahead.

"Furthermore, planning officers are having their time taken up by this instead of being able to look at the major planning issues in Worcester, which does not help anyone."

l On Friday, August 12, the Worcester News reported that the government inspector had rejected the application in this case.

However, as we hope is clear from the above article, a final decision is still to be reached.