BIDFORD councillors are keen to put an end to the mysterious disappearance of the concrete bench that was stolen four weeks ago.

They are anxious to track down the seat that was unlawfully removed from the Glebe Close and Victoria Road, Bidford.

At a meeting on Monday night councillors heard a report from residents in Victoria Road how the area had been a meeting point for rowdy youngsters.

They went on to say that they would prefer the seat not to be replaced because 'life has been more peaceful since the seat was removed.'

Resident Andrew Danks said: "It seems to be a gathering point for the youngsters and the numbers of teenagers gathering in numbers seems to be growing.

"It is a problem for residents within the immediate vicinity and since it's gone we haven't heard from the youngsters."

Councillors initially placed the seat on the corner of Glebe Close and Victoria Road ten years ago for the elderly but residents believe it has been hijacked by antisocial youngsters.

Resident John Hemmings believes since the disappearance of the bench the road has definitely become more peaceful.

Parish councillor John Sandle said: "We do sympathise with the people of the area but it does not warrant stealing the seat. The main reason it was placed there was for the elderly people to stop and have a rest."

Parish council chairwoman Joy Keeley said: "Personally, I don't think the seat should be replaced if it's going to cause so many problems but that does not justify it being stolen. The seat should be returned. If it were to be returned then we could make a decision on whether the bench should be placed there or not."

Community policing team sergeant Stuart Wild from Warwickshire Police said: "We would urge anyone with information to come forward."