A BEAUTY queen who was once bullied because of her looks has told her story in an effort to help other victims of taunts.

Rachael Davies was crowned Miss Worcestershire on Saturday, June 4, but grew to hate her exotic looks because of the cruel jibes from other youngsters.

The 21-year-old left school five years ago but is only just beginning to regain confidence in herself.

She said: "All through secondary school I was bullied by a gang of girls from the year above me, all because of the colour of my skin.

"My great-grandmother was Spanish and I am the only one in my family to inherit her olive skin, dark hair and brown eyes.

"Unfortunately, my exotic looks made me the target of some very nasty, racist comments. The effect of the bullying was to make me hate the way I looked.

"My family and friends were really supportive but it continued until I left school.

"Then my sister showed me an advert for the Miss British Isles contest and encouraged me to enter it.

"I entered in the Liverpool heat and won. I didn't win the final but just getting there was in itself a massive boost to my self-esteem.

"Then I entered the Miss Worcestershire competition and I won that."

Rachael, who was a controversial winner of the title because she is from Stoke-on-Trent, is now competing against 36 others for the title of Miss England.

Rachael hopes that her success story will encourage people to follow their dreams.

She added: "All my success is thanks to the looks I hated as a child. To anyone who has been bullied - you can get over it and achieve."

The finals of Miss England 2005 are being held at the Liverpool Olympia next Friday and Saturday, September 2 to 3.

Forty gorgeous girls from around the country will be strutting their stuff in front of a panel of judges and text voters for the chance to represent England at the Miss World 2005 contest in Sanya, China on December 10. Rounds for The Miss England contest include a talent show, beauty and a swimwear and evening wear parade.

Despite the widespread controversy that often surrounds the beauty contest, the Miss World competition has raised more than £1.5 bn in aid of children's charities worldwide.