A CONCERNED Redditch woman is alerting residents after she was targeted by hoax phone callers claiming to be from British Telecom and asking for her bank details.

Abby Stonehall is worried that other residents, particularly the elderly or vulnerable, may be coaxed into handing over personal details during these hoax phone calls.

"I have been called twice now, both at my home in Enfield and my photographic studio in Redditch town centre within two days so I suspect they are canvassing the area," she said.

"Each time the caller claims to be from British Telecom and has asked me for the number of my bank account."

She said on both occasions, the caller was a well-spoken woman with an excellent telephone manner.

"And she did not get cross when I would not co-operate," she added.

Mrs Stonehall said she had contacted BT and was told that one of their callers would not request someone's personal bank details.

She added: "I am very concerned that other people in the town, particularly pensioners, may think the call is genuine."

BT spokesman Paul Haywood said: "This person did exactly the right thing.

"People should only provide personal details such as bank account details if they are completely satisfied that the call is bona fide.

"A genuine BT person would have details about your BT account, which would only be available to a genuine BT person."

He added: "Customers can also call us for free on 0800 800150 to check if they have been called by BT."