WITH a title like this it would be ludicrous to expect a film specialising in subtlety.

But what you do get is a funny, refreshingly un-politically correct film, which is also heart-warming and charming.

Andy Stitzer (Steve Carrell) is a genuinely "nice" 40-year-old - so "nice" he has resigned himself to a life of celibacy and comic books.

And before you read "creep", Carell manages the daunting task of convincing the audience that he is merely shy.

During a boys' poker night, conversation quickly turns to the ladies and Andy's inexperience becomes glaringly obvious when he likens a pair of breasts to bags of sand.

His workmates make it their mission to give Andy something more exciting to do with his time than make egg mayonnaise and collecting boxed action figures.

Andy reluctantly agrees to this good-humoured help and embarks on a journey towards sexual gratification - and maybe true love too.

Chest waxing, transvestites and speed dating go some of the way to aiding the mission and these scenes generate plenty of laughs.

The film is by no means sophisticated comedy, but it certainly is fun.

It's a little long too, but it's worth riding with until the end for a truly surprising and delightful closing sequence.