A WYCHBOLD woman has been feathering the nest of the swan rescue centre she runs - and now the elegant birds are enjoying the high life.

Jan Harrigan, who owns and runs the Wychbold Swan Rescue Centre at Walk Mills Farm, off the A38, has scrimped and saved to raise £2,500 over the past few years.

Now she has managed to have extensive refurbishment to the sanctuary, which is home to more than 80 swans.

The work has included two new pools - one which was built by Prince's Trust volunteers - and a new grass flooring which is kinder to the swans' feet than concrete but can still be kept clean and hygienic.

Jan takes injured swans from all over the country and nourishes them back to full health.

She said: "There doesn't seem to be room on rivers for swans anymore.

"There is lots going on on rivers these days but nobody thinks about the natural water users.

"That makes for a conflict and we have to pick up the pieces."

The money was raised by Jan giving talks at clubs and societies, selling pens and cards at the centre and holding fetes.

Jan said: "Everybody has worked like mad to raise the money."

To contact the centre, which has been running for 30 years and is just after the junction five exit of the M5, call 01527 861112.

Jan said: "If anybody sees a swan in distress they can call us and we can do something about it."