toddlers took a lesson in road safety at a Rubery nursery as part of a national campaign.

Children from My First Friends Day Nursery rode their bikes around a marked out playground road and learnt the importance of holding hands and the word 'stop' as a part of their Beep Beep day.

Beep Beep is an initiative run by the national road safety charity Brake and supported by Green Flag Motoring Assistance.

It aims to reduce child fatalities on the road by teaching children crucial lessons in road awareness from a young age and by urging drivers to slow down.

Claire Holyhead, from the nursery, said: "Beep Beep day is a fun way for us to get crucial messages across to the children, which we hope will help them stay safe as they grow up."

To organise a Beep Beep day call 01484 559909.