Witton WI met at the Methodist Church Hall.

Jenny Kerridge, our president, welcomed members and three visitors. We sang Happy Birthday to May Evans on her recent 90th birthday and presented her with decorated fairy cakes.

Names were taken for various meetings and outings, including a visit to the Lowry Art Gallery on October 6. We are holding an activity morning on September 24 when members will be able to enjoy some Tai Chi and line dancing.

Entertainment was in the hands of members. Clegg Lyster, plus two of her friends - Jan Crowther and Linda Bromley - demonstrated their expertise in sugarcraft and deftly showed us how to make elegant swans, appealing snowmen, penguins and beautiful roses.

Committee members were presented with sugarcraft items to thank them for their work on members behalf. Members had made delicious cake for our refreshments. Altogether, another successful and enjoyable meeting.