TWO letters in last week's 'Your View' require a common response to dispel misapprehensions about who is responsible for the roads of the district.

One of your readers complains about the incorrect marking of cycle lanes in Rubery and incorrectly blames the district council.

Another reader from Catshill complains about who made the decision to re-surface the road at the M42 junction whilst ongoing works are affecting Stourbridge Road.

The answer is the same in both cases - Worcestershire County Council and its Highways Partnership.

The name is of course a contradiction in terms because it displays absolutely no partnership working with the district council under whose coat-tails it hides.

I expect my comments will elicit yet another complacent response from the county councillor responsible for highways, who seems to be an avid follower of my observations!

It is time for a complete overhaul of the way our roads are maintained and managed by the county council. The present situation is a shambles and a farce and cannot be allowed to blight Bromsgrove any longer.

Stephen Peters

chairman -

UKIP Bromsgrove