I WOULD like to comment on letters referring to the lack of attention to Wolverley by our local politicians.

While I agree with many of the comments, I would defend the parish council, in that they have been actively behind the community plan for Wolverley (and Cookley) to plan for a better future for the area, and also their careful consideration of planning matters.

I would also point out that at parish council meetings, any member of the public - including members of the Tenants Association - is allowed to speak on any matter appertaining to the area.

However, I do feel there are some areas where the council have not been as positive as they could have been.

My first example is the role carried out by Wyre Forest Community Wardens who , paid for by the tenants of Wyre Forest, help to police the streets of the village.

When I was a parish councillor, I recommended they be invited to a meeting to discuss their role in the community, and the areas that they could be particularly helpful in. This was declined by the council, and to my knowledge has never taken place, which supports your letter writers' comments about lack of communication and co-ordination.

Another disappointing area, is the lack of progress on affordable housing in Wolverley.

A council survey was carried out on this, and despite the need being identified, no progress has been reported locally. This is despite the fact that the old Wyre Forest District Plan had identified for many years an adequate site for minor development.

Even Cookley identified a site - the old parish hall - but disappointingly this was rejected by planners, and a new application has been submitted for more exclusive properties which will be out of reach of young and long-term residents.

Returning to the original comments from your letter writers, I have always believed that the rural areas, especially Wolverley, are treated as second class by both our district and county colleagues.

They spend thousands of pounds on keeping open and improving Kidderm-inster Town Hall, Stourport Community Centre and Bewdley Museum, while places like Wolverley's Memorial Hall have to raise funds at sales and events just to keep the place from falling down.

Thousands are spent on recreational facilities in the three towns, while Wolverley Playing Fields Association has to raise funds, the tennis courts are in need of improvement, and the only children's play area in the village is kept open by the Memorial Hall.

And while most areas in the county have "free" street lighting, the costs of this in Wolverley and Cookley is over 90 per cent of the parish council's budget.

What price living in the country ? High Council Tax, low priorities.

Please councillors, start looking outside the towns in the area, and remember we need help too!


Brookside Cottage, Wolverley