THE Brad Pitts and Julia Roberts of the future could be from right here in Worcester, thanks to a new theatre school starting up in the city this month.

Overture & Beginners is aimed at young people aged between eight and 18 who wish to become part of the next generation of budding actors, singers, dancers and performers.

The school, to be run by Huntingdon Arts director Chris Jaeger and established actress Sarah Jane Bourne, aims to help students realise their maximum potential in the performing arts by offering high-quality tuition and giving students the ability to perform to the public at least once a year.

Mr Jaeger, who is himself an experienced actor, musician, director, teacher and adjudicator, said the venture was about preparing youngsters who are really serious about a career in the arts. "All the people teaching are experienced professionals, making their living in the theatrical world, and will be teaching the students exactly what they need to get into the profession.

"We are hoping the school will build up a reputation where people will come to us when they are looking for young actors."

Mr Jaeger added each weekly three-hour session would include an acting, singing and dance lesson.

"It will be one very big step up from what I would call recreational drama," he said.

"But of course it's going to be fun and satisfying, too."

Working alongside Mr Jaeger and Sarah Jane Bourne - a graduate of the Royal Academy of Music - will be John Brierley, chairman of the board of studies at the Elgar School of Music, and Donna de Freitas Pires, a highly trained professional dancer who has performed at the London Palladium, Shaftes-bury Theatre, The Barbican and in the Oasis video for "D'you Know What I Mean?"

Overture & Beginners will meet on Sunday afternoons at the Star Stage School, Moor Street, Worcester between 3pm and 6pm and the first class is on September 18. The cost is £25 per three-hour session (£20 per student if there is more than one from each family). For further information and to book a place, those interested should contact Chris Jaeger on 07747 837272.