CONGRATULATIONS to all who tend the churchyards in the benefice for the results of the 2005 competition are out. For churchyards under one acre, St Mary's Madresfield scored good (71-80 per cent) and in the category of churchyards over one acre, St Peter's Powick and St Mary's Guarlford scored very good (81-90 per cent). The winners were Arley Kings and Cleeve Prior in each category.

The competition is organised by Worcestershire branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England and the Worcestershire Federation of WIs. Special thanks to Tony Gwilliam for attending to the churchyard in Powick.

This Sunday, the 11am service will include a baptism.

Powick Parish Ramblers' first walk of the autumn takes place on Tuesday at 10am. Please meet at the Wheatsheaf, Whitbourne by the A44. The four-mile walk will be led by Joy and Phil Bunyan (01886) 832774. Another walk is planned for the following Tuesday, September 13 meeting at 10am at Upton car park, opposite the churchyard. The five-mile walk via Earls Croome will be led by Peter and Isabel Brant (01905) 23853. All are welcome to join.

Put this date in your diary to celebrate the harvest - Saturday, October 1. There will be a buffet supper and live entertainment and tickets priced at £7.50 will be available from committee members of the parish hall management. More details later.

Powyke WI meets after the summer break on Wednesday, September 14 at the Colletts Green Centre. Two officers from the Domestic Violence Unit have agreed to talk on their work but their shift duties mean they must start at 7pm prompt. Business matters will be dealt with afterwards.

On Saturday, September 10 keep a watch for cyclists (or walkers) taking part in the sponsored cycle ride to raise money for the Worcestershire and Dudley Historic Churches Trust. Participants will be trying to visit many places of worship during the day, from 10am-5pm. In many of the churches refreshments will be available, including St Peter's at Powick.

Sponsor forms are available from the churches at Powick, Callow End, Guarlford and Madresfield or phone Thea Wild on (01905) 831048.