TWO benches, shamelessly stolen from an old people's home in Bromsgrove, have mysteriously reappeared after an appeal in last week's Advertiser/Messenger.

The iron and wooden benches were taken from Lowes Court sheltered accommodation for the elderly.

Residents at the home in Elm Grove were devastated after the disappearance of the benches, but were overjoyed when they woke up last Friday to find them in the exact spot that they had been stolen from.

Sue Clark, sheltered housing officer at Lowes Court, said: "We are totally amazed that they have been returned. I came into work on Friday morning and one of the residents said that the benches had been returned.

"I went outside and there they were. The benches have now been cemented," she added.

Earlier in the week, North Worcestershire Rotary Club took pity on the residents and offered to buy two new replacement benches.

Sue said: "North Worcestershire Rotary Club felt so sorry for us that they had offered to replace the benches before they were returned, which was really nice of them, so I would like to thank the committee service chairman John Hubbard. I would also like to thank the thieves for returning the benches, and showing they have got a heart," she added.