AS a person who lives around 100 miles from Chipping Norton I cannot believe what I am reading that the A44 between Chipping Norton and Moreton is a dangerous road and there have been many fatal accidents on it.

I have been travelling on this road many times since the middle 1960s when I first got my driving licence. I have travelled on this road in many weather conditions, snow, fog, rain as well as perfect weather. As long as one drives sensibly there are definitely no hazards with this road. I first drove down this road around 1966 in a 1949 Ford Prefect which was top high and non hydraulic brakes and never encountered any problems and travelled on it as recent as Monday, August 15 in my Ford Fiesta - no problem. I have never had an accident - never.

If there are constant problems with the A44 between Chipping Norton and Moreton the only way out is to make it a 30 mile speed limit with speed cameras every half a mile. But do those who use this road regularly want these sort of restrictions.

RON DEIGHTON, Bedford Road, Walthamstow, London.