AGENDA 21 is an international agreement aimed at protecting the planet for future generations.

Because of its insistence on sustainable and in some instances organic methods of production, the Fairtrade organisation is a vitally important part of that agenda and Fairtrade status will be part of Kidderminster's contribution to it.

During the next few weeks, the Kidderminster Fairtrade Group will be contacting retailers and caterers in the town with a view to obtaining their help in reaching the required number of outlets in each category (11 retail and five catering) who sell Fairtrade products, in order to meet the requirements of the Fairtrade Foundation who authorise Fairtrade status.

We would also like to recruit the help of Shuttle/Times & News readers. They, too, can make a valuable contribution to the cause of Fairtrade status by asking whenever and wherever they shop or eat out in pubs, restaurants or cafs, if Fairtrade goods are stocked/used. Customer requests will certainly play a large part in achieving success in this very worthy cause.


Kidderminster Fairtrade Group

Baldwin Road
