For the last two years, I have been one of Malvern Town Council's representatives on the Town Centre Regeneration Committee.

The committee is presided over by the leader of Malvern Hills District Council and is staffed by three members of MHDC's Economic Development Unit.

In my time, we have discussed topics such as the renaming of the Edith Walk car parks as Festival Square and putting a restaurant on the top floor of the Post Office site. Not once, however, has the closure of the Edith Walk lavatories been brought to the committee, with all the implications that it might have for the town centre.

Nor has MHDC thought fit to share with us the idea that they might sell their Highlea property on Church Street for conversion into a Youth Hostel.

With input of this quality coming from MHDC, we might be more usefully employed discussing ways of reviving a dead cat.

Alistair Macmillan, Alexandra Lane, Malvern.