I read with some consternation the letters published last week, with reference to the closure of the Hawthorn public house in Upper Welland.

It has been stated that the landlord, Mr Stuart, has complained that the village has not supported him in his endeavours to run the business.

This statement is hardly surprising as the pub was rarely to be found open, potential regular customers have complained about an unfriendly atmosphere and have chosen to stay away.

The pub had a good, well-formed reputation for serving excellent food, but Mr Stuart decided in his wisdom to cease that successful side of the business.

I am retired and need local amenities to flourish not decline, the village pub should be the heart of village life with a welcoming and cheerful ambience .

If the Hawthorn was such a place, the locals would give their support unreservedly and this pub would be a thriving and successful venture.

This local amenity should not be allowed to close and all villagers should fight hard to retain a vital component of village life.

Peter Clark, Upper Welland Road, Malvern Wells.