SIR - With reference to J Evett's letter (Worcester News, Monday, October 17) regarding flooding being due to drainage, it would appear more plausible that God seems to be into payback time.

All around the world, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes - and now the chicken flu - are occurring regardless of concrete, patios and car ports.

We must be prepared for all this out-of-season weather and the unexpected because meteorologists everywhere have not and cannot predict what is in store for us! So if I were you, J Evetts, instead of worrying about drainage, I would suggest you get down on your knees and start praying!



He should read

my letter again

SIR - In your edition of Wednesday, October 17,

D E Margrett refers to my letter by saying that there is no way that we will put out of the EU.

Perhaps he had better read my letter again, only more carefully and note that I did not mention such a wish or possibility. If he chooses to credit me with writing something I did not write, just to afford himself a viable answer, he cannot have much faith in his own utterances.

Had it not been for the European Union allowing non-elected bureaucrats to make impulsive decisions on our behalf, which later, had to be amended, there would not have been a rag trade dispute at all.

Furthermore, if we had not joined the EU in the first place, we would still be enjoying very lucrative trading with the world in general and with special arrangements with our Commonwealth countries.

