SPEEDING motorists near Malvern are being warned to put on their brakes as more camera sites are set to appear.

The number of sites will increase and cover the rest of the village of Welland, which already has an area covering Drake Street, following appeals from worried villagers over the safety of drivers and pedestrians.

Data has revealed that 75 per cent of traffic exceeded the 30mph speed limit in December 2004, with 15 per cent driving at 40 mph.

West Mercia Safety Camera Partnership's Vicki Bristow said: "The speed that motorists travel through Welland is unacceptable.

"We hope that by extending our operations motorists will be more aware of the speed at which they are travelling and ensure they are driving within the limit."

The Drake Street safety camera site will be extended to cover a large stretch of the A4104 at Marlbank Road, the main route from Welland into British Camp and Malvern Wells.

The sites have been installed following appeals from local residents, parents, councillors and the local authority.