POLICE are urging parents to think before they buy when looking for Christmas presents for their children.

Officers are asking adults to be responsible about buying small vehicles such as mini motorbikes and to not get them unless they are going to be used on private land.

A spokesman said police covering the Alcester sector had received reports of people riding vehicles on public roads, pavements and parkland, when the vehicles were clearly not suitable in terms of safety.

The most common vehicles police are concerned about are mini motorcycles and the Go-Ped, a small vehicle - like a scooter - which can be electric or petrol driven. Both are so small they are unsafe if taken on public roads.

Both types of vehicle can be seized by police for use as evidence, or if they are being used in an anti-social way and officers are advising owners to check with the suppliers to find out where they can be used.

For more details, call Sgt Stuart Wild on 01789 762207.