RESIDENTS' hopes are being "built up then knocked down", says a town councillor who is accusing the Labour party of breaking its promises over £3 million landscape enhancement plans.

Conservative leader Carole Gandy said residents were told in June Matchborough would be second on the list of a town environmental enhancement programme. Woodrow would be first. But a report for the executive committee identified Batchley, Church Hill and Redditch town centre as higher up the list.

Mrs Gandy said: "The leading party has made bold statements and later changed its mind. We can't have a situation where councillors are building up hopes then knocking them down."

Another investigation will now be carried out to determine which area will be next to receive regeneration.

The wheels were set in motion for the first stage of the programme in Woodrow's Ombersley Close and Rushock Close with a public meeting last Saturday.

Former council leader David Cartwright was unable for comment as the Advertiser went to press.