SIR - Having lived in Worcester for more than 30 years, I have with some bemusement followed the latest chapter in the long-running saga of constructing a multi-storey car-park at King Street - the arguments are all so familiar!

However, what adds a totally perplexing dimension this time round are the comments by councillors that the £30,000 would be money well spent because the consultants could prove whether we need this greatly expanded facility. True they could, but before we citizens and ratepayers fly into a rage, or panic, we are assured that all will be well because any increased capacity at King Street will be offset by reductions elsewhere!

So at a huge cost (the consultants fees are but the tip of an enormous financial iceberg) we gain no actual increased car-parking capacity only the loss of amenity to nearby residents, the impact on the views of the Cathedral, a serious loss of archaeological heritage if part is built underground, and increased traffic congestion on Edgar and King Streets.

So unless I have missed something, I suggest councillors reconsider the payment of £30,000 for yet another consultancy report, drop the idea and instead donate the money to any local charity where the money would actually do some good.

