AT our October meeting the speaker was Philip Aubury and his subject was house plants.

As nearly all of the members present admitted to having at least one plant in every room, this was a most relevant talk.

Philip, who is the director of the Birmingham Botanical Gardens, passed on to us a fund of information regarding all the aspects of caring for our plants and how best to propagate them.

His obvious love and enthusiasm for his subject shone through. Add to that some wonderful touches of humour and it all made for an excellent talk. Hopefully all our plants can look forward to a better future!

After some questions and a vote of thanks, we were invited to view some fine, healthy plants which Philip had brought along to sell at very reasonable prices.

Our meetings are held every second Thursday of the month in the Friends Meeting House, Sandhills Road, Barnt Green. The next will take place on November 10 when the speaker will be Frank Herdy talking about conifers. Visitors and new members most welcome.