WE are Droitwich Spa - not Wychavon Foot Spa!

Wychavon's public consultation on its lido plan misleads on the most basic point of all. Its plan clearly labels the existing water area as a 'swimming pool' with a depth of 1.4m. But it fails to clarify their pool slopes up to a depth of zero at the 'beach area', giving an average depth of 0.7m or about 27 inches.

Try swimming in that without skinning those knuckles. Dive into it without cracking a skull open.'Splash-bomb' pals without breaking the back.

If half the pool was six feet deep and the other half sloped up to six inches at its shallow end, most townsfolk would be happy. But this is a glorified foot bath.

Petitions signed by thousands, an overwhelming parish poll, hundreds of individual letters, all called for reinstatement of our beloved lido 'swimming' pool, nothing less.

Having failed to destroy our heritage by back-door means, district now trick us into welcoming a second rate imitation by use of 'smoke and mirrors'. Those quacks riding on Pershore's 'medicine show' wagon must be falling over themselves laughing at its meek acceptance by naive campaign groups. I urge fellow residents to complete questionnaires in our library and One Stop Shop with resounding demands for a proper viable pool.

Ring councillors to ask what the hell's going on? Refuse to be fooled by such a shabby scam. Silence those arrogant boasts of Wychavon's hustlers that 'the con is on'!

Mark R Heel

Burrish Street

Droitwich Spa