THE action group set up to co-ordinate the Save Our Hospital campaign to prevent closure of The Willows and Bredon wards and the removal of orthopaedic services at Evesham Community Hospital is standing down.

"As the proposals we opposed have not been actioned by the South Worcestershire Primary Care Trust, we feel we have achieved as much as we possibly could for the moment," said the Mayor of Evesham, Councillor Frances Smith, one of the co-ordinators of the action group.

She added: "We will remain vigilant, keeping a watching brief over any possible future moves by the PCT to remove valuable services from Evesham Community Hospital. We also await with interest the outcome of discussions at the next meeting of the PCT on Wednesday, December 7."

The Mayor said: "I would personally like to thank the other members of the group for their loyalty to Evesham Community Hospital and for their commitment.

"Thanks also to the staff of the hospital who have staunchly continued to give high quality of care despite the intense pressure under which they were working."

She had a special word of thanks for all those members of the public who signed the petition, attended the rally, displayed posters and continued to give their support.

"We are not giving up," the Mayor stressed, "merely watching future developments in health provision in South Worcestershire."