A COOKLEY footballer who punched an opponent in the face during a match has been fined £150 and suspended for six months by Worcestershire Football Association.

At a Worcestershire FA disciplinary hearing, Nicholas Harrold, who plays for Cookley Social Club, admitted hitting Broadway United defender, Graeme Hay.

Mr Hay required microsurgery following the attack, during the tie at Broadway United's ground on September 24. He also faced prolonged dental treatment.

Centre half, Mr Hay, said: "I was just going back up the pitch when this guy came over and punched me straight in the face.

"There were no words exchanged and we had not had any previous contact during the game. I think he said something afterwards like 'have I got the right one now?'"

Referee, Jeff Widdett, had no hesitation in showing the red card to Mr Harrold following the off the ball incident.

Mr Harrold, who spoke at the Worcestershire FA hearing, told the disciplinary panel: "I hit him before he hit me".

A statement from the county's football governing body said: "Due to the serious nature of the details of the case, the punishment should reflect their concerns.

"It was agreed Nicholas Harrold is to be suspended for 182 days and is fined £150."

The ban began on September 28.

A spokesman for South Worcestershire police said: "A man arrested on September 29 in connection with an alleged assault at a Broadway soccer match remains on bail to return to Worcester Police Station while inquiries continue."