Remember Wychavon's cut in Concessionary Tokens anyone?

The one where the option of having tokens to use on taxis to hospital appointments etc. were scrapped in favour of the compulsory half price bus pass - in order for Wychavon District Council to save some money? Well, all those who lost this benefit must feel a real slap in the face by this ridiculous proposal to fund a late night taxi service for teenage drinkers out of our Council Tax!

I just couldn't believe what I was reading last week. "Members canvassed pupils at High Schools in the District" - did these members bother to work out that only those attending High School in the second year of Sixth Form would actually be old enough to go out into places like Worcester drinking and attend Nightclubs until 2 am? Why on Earth should our taxes be spent on not only actively encouraging under-age drinking but also for funding teenager's social lives? Why should they be any different to the rest of us? We had to get Saturday Jobs, start work etc. to fund our social lives - including taxis home!

Now, I could understand if the Council was going to subsidise teenagers bus transport during the day into local colleges, UCOW or into the town centres for shopping, library etc - but for boozy nights out on a Friday and Saturday night until 2 am? The latter is a luxury, not a necessity.

Especially when our pensioners and other vulnerable groups have to struggle to get to hospital appointments - or in fact anywhere, on a poor rural bus service!

I always thought that the Conservative philosophy was to encourage individuals to support themselves. Obviously, these old values have gone out of the window - just like the chances of being in Government - in favour of copying Labour's Nanny State.

Mrs Trudy Burge, Church Street, Pershore.