Temperatures are set to break the record in Worcester today as weather experts predict they could hit a summery 21 degrees C.

The current UK record for October 27 is 20.3 degrees C, which was measured in London in 1888.

Worcester News weatherman Paul Damari explained that southerly winds were bringing warm air up from the Canary Islands and keeping the cold air to the north at bay.

"I think we could get up to 20 or 21 degrees C here. I have been recording temperatures in Worcester for 40 years and I have never recorded anything as high as this in late October."

He said the average temperature for this time of the year is normally 14 degrees C and even after today's peak he expects temperatures to stay well above average - 16-18 degrees C - for the next few days.

Mr Damari said temperatures were still well above average in Portugal, Spain and France and the warmer sea temperatures in the Caribbean were responsible for the intense hurricane season there.

"Globally, this is likely to be one of the warmest years on record and I do not think we are going to get a severe winter. I think it will be a milder than average winter," Mr Damari added.