ANIMAL owners are invited to find out more about natural therapies in Wolverley on Saturday.

A Natural Health Fair for Animals is being held at the Memorial Hall between 10am and 5pm.

It has been organised by Ruth Whiley and Jenny Bull, who were inspired after they attended a talk given by a homoeopathic vet.

Mrs Whiley's horse, Yazz, benefited from herbal treatments and Mrs Bull's cat, Oscar, had several more months of quality life after homoeotherapy, Tellington T Touch, Reiki and EFT.

Exhibiting will be a range of qualified practitioners, who specialise in treating horses, cats, dogs and other small animals.

They will cover therapies including Shiatsu, Tellington T Touch, Bowen Technique, Reiki, magnets, herbs and flower essences, as well as behaviour consultants and an animal communicator who can work with photos of animals.

Talks and demonstrations will also take place and products and books wil be on sale.

"We're expecting a good turn-out - it's something quite different. I haven't heard of a health fair for animals being held before so hopefully it will attract animal lovers from quite a wide area," said Mrs Bull.

For more details about the event, please call Mrs Bull on 01562 851511.