I should like to explain some of the conditions surrounding the controversial Leadon Bank planning decision.

First of all, I did ask planning officers whether it would be possible to site the building further back on the site and was told this was not possible while retaining the existing building.

The height was reduced from five stories to 3.5 in the majority of the building. The greatest concern I had was that the elderly residents should not be expected to move while building work was undertaken. The decision was based on the fact that if the proposed build was accepted, the elderly residents would not be disturbed at all.

I fully appreciate the feelings of those residents in that vicinity. It would have been far easier for me to have been the lone voice speaking against such a proposal. However, I spent many hours considering this matter and eventually had to vote for what I felt would be the best solution for the elderly residents.

Ledbury has exercised its democratic right to a referendum. I fully support the role of democracy, I only question the value of spending over £3,000 to achieve the opinion of 10.3 per cent of the population's vote, for which 100 per cent of the town contributed.

Barry Ashton, Old Church Road, Colwall.