I WAS alarmed to read in the national press of the £2 billion black hole in town hall finances, which could lead to a 10 per cent rise for Council Tax-payers next year.

Also, it concerned me greatly to learn that for the year 2004/5 a sum of £7.35 million was paid by Herefordshire Council as the employer's contribution to a pension fund for its staff. The staff contribute six per cent of their gross salary towards the scheme. This scheme will enable members to retire at 60 on full benefits with an indexed-linked pension paid for by Council Tax-payers.

I am sure that, along with me, your readers will not consider providing such a pension as a payment for services which we pay the council to provide us with. What benefit in the way of services do we receive from financing their pension fund?

Furthermore, I was unhappy to learn that this fund is run by Worcestershire Council. We hear much too often of black holes appearing in pension funds and I am sure that, should such a hole appear in this particular fund, Worcester will demand the taxpayers of Hereford-shire help to plug it.

What real influence do 79 local authority members have? Answers to questions that I have asked often result in, "Well, it's not my particular remit but, if you wish me to, I will make enquires". On following the matter up I am met with "Well, I did bring it up".

We pensioners (fixed not indexed- linked) are now really beginning to feel the effect of waste and inefficiency, not only by the current government, but by the town halls.

K S A MORGAN, Stone Drive, Colwall.