PEOPLE don't like change. Whatever the circumstances, no matter how beneficial a new idea might be, it will be soundly rejected by a large chunk of the populace simply because it's different.

New ways of doing things rarely receive a warm, collective social embrace. There's even a word for it - kainotophobia, or fear of change.

Take something as straightforward as a wheelie bin.

Worcester City Council wants to introduce them.

They are, according to the authority, a godsend. Hygienic, efficient and, most importantly, they boost recycling, making it easier for people to do their bit for the environment. And for the council to hit all-important recycling targets.

But, judging by the level of correspondence flooding into the Worcester News offices on the matter, most of you are not convinced. And you're not afraid to say so.

They're too big. They'll be too heavy. They're too smelly. They won't fit in my drive. They simply won't do.

Now, we quite understand that wheelie bins will be a problem for certain homeowners. Those with no front garden will struggle to accommodate the bins, as well as those with steep steps and restricted access.

We are sure, however, these problems can be overcome.

Once these bins are in place, homeowners will learn to love them - just as we have learnt to love all manner of new ideas and innovations. And we'll all wonder how we ever did without them.